NGC 2244 - The Rosette Nebula - Monoceros - Emission Nebula - Magnitude 4.8
Date: December 17, 2004
Location: The Ballauer Observatory near Azle, Texas Transparency: 4.8 mag zenithal Seeing: 7/10 Temperature: 38 degrees F, camera cooled to -25 degrees C |
Scope/Mount: Tak FSQ-106 @ f/5 and Tak NJP mount
Camera: SBIG STL-6303E (Ha info) and SBIG STL-11000 (color info), self-guided Filter: Custom Scientific 4.5nm hydrogen alpha spectral line filter Exposure Info: Ha (Ha+R) GB, 180:15:40:40 minutes. 15 minutes subexposures (Ha) and 5 minute subexposures RGB); all unbinned. |
Reprocessed in May 2013: Dark frame calibration, flat fields, registration, and Winsor Rejection combine in PixInsight 1.8. Channel processing in PixInsight 1.8 using Dynamic Background Extraction, Histogram Transformation, Local Histographm Equalization, HDR Multiscale Transform, and noise reduction. Final HaRGB combine, deblooming (ha channel), color balance, curves, levels, selective sharpening/blurring/despeckle in Photoshop CS6.