I am sometimes asked what I enjoy more, imaging the night sky, or talking to people ABOUT imaging the night sky?
People might be surprised by my answer.
It is not as if I dislike imaging or observing. Much to the contrary, it remains one of my favorite things to do. Even tonight, as tired as I am from the trip, I am thinking of ways to automate a series of images showing tonight's full lunar eclipse and still show up to work in the morning.
But there is nothing, and I mean nothing, like teaching and talking to people about this hobby! As a high school school teacher by profession, I seldom get to teach students with a passion for their learning. Sure, many do what is required in my math classes, but if my school students were to bring the same level of attention and focus to their studies as the participants in my imaging sessions did at NEAIC, well, that would be heaven on earth!
Therefore, words simply cannot describe how much I enjoyed NEAIC/NEAF this year. The sessions were glorious, particularly those I attended myself. The company, as always, superb.
I am thankful to my wife, Helen, for travelling with me and showing patience with me as my focus was divided between fun and, well, fun!
I will be posting the entire POWERPOINT presentation for my imaging sessions to this webpage shortly. I just need to figure out a way to make it server-friendly without compromising the media content too much.
In the meantime, happy lunar-observing, everybody!